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The De Rust Heritage Trust

A Broad Outline 


The De Rust Heritage Trust website incorporates a number of key features – all of which focus on the Village of De Rust situated just south of Meiringspoort in the Western Cape on the N12 National Highway between George and Beaufort West.  

The original website which contains a wealth of information on De Rust focused in the main on the “heritage” aspects of the Village.  However, this developed over time into a more detailed outline of other key aspects including the issues and opportunities for eco-tourism as well as the need for building a strong view of a strategic and successful future of Village going deep into the 21st Century.

The De Rust Heritage Conservation Association have now decided to compile their own website using their own material.  Based on this decision the De Rust Heritage Trust have decided to retain all the existing unique heritage material acquired over the years from various sources, while at the same time significantly expanding other related areas which reflect on the broader Village as a whole. 

The Future

The eastern portion of the Klein Karoo where the Village is situated is particularly interesting from a historical perspective, going back to the times of the original San and Khoi residents, well before the settlers and traders arrived from the Western part of the Cape of Good Hope from the 17th Century on. 

At the same time the “Modern South African Bushman” of all races have much to offer in new ways of looking and seeing different opportunities for further development of this vision into the future.  As an essential part of this vision is the understanding that for this country of ours to succeed, all those living in it need an opportunity to grow and prosper, both as individuals and as a country. 

New Bi-monthly Newsletter

It is intended to start a bi-monthly newsletter covering key areas from the Village and District covering General heritage issues, eco-tourism and community issues including the new District Governance Models arising from the coming local government elections, possible job creation opportunities in the broader community including Blomnek and other general points of interest. 

The continuation of this vision through the De Rust Heritage Trust is an opportunity to explore unique approaches to the way we go forward as a united and successful community and nation.  This expanded website will hopefully provide an opportunity for a broader understanding of both our environment and the people who live here in it. 

Please send your comments/stories to for possible inclusion in the forthcoming De Rust Heritage Trust Newsletters.


De Rust 

01 October, 2021                                                                                                                                    click here for our latest newsletter


Relevant Background  Information

De Rust has a number of registered provincial heritage buildings in the Western Cape including the “Old Mill” at Voelgesang and the historic Dutch Reformed Church in the Village consecrated in 1902. 


"Old Mill" at Voelgesang   The Dutch Reformed Church at De Rust
                    “Old Mill” at Voelgesang            The historic Dutch Reformed Church in De Rust


Added to the above of the over 300 residential stands in the Village over 95% are Victorian style buildings built in the early 1900’s. Many of these buildings have been well maintained and preserved over the years and there is an increasing interest by incoming new residents in upgrading existing buildings that require sympathetic restoration to bring them back to their former glory. 

The above provides an excellent reason for preserving the “Historic Heritage Roots of De Rust” along similar lines to those of neighbouring Prince Albert. 


The Story of our Logo 

Our logo represents our ancient South African Heritage, a time when the San (Bushmen) and the Khoikhoi (nomadic cattle herders) roamed the Klein Karoo. It also represents the long history of the area, considering all the people who came after the Bushmen, including farmers and traders from the Cape who settled in this area. 


San (or Bushman) homestead, with hearth and cooking-pots, Robert Jacob Gordon (attributed to), 1779 - 1780
Rijksmuseum, Amsterdam   "Karoo Trekboer," by Charles Davidson Bell

San (or Bushman) homestead, with hearth and cooking-pots,

Robert Jacob Gordon (attributed to), 1779 - 1780

click to see enlargement on the Rijksmuseum website


Trekboers crossing the Karoo

 by Charles Davidson Bell, 19th century

click to see enlargement on Wikimedia Commons


One part of our logo depicts a San Bushman one of the earliest inhabitants of this part of Southern Africa. The other part of the logo looks to the future – the “Modern Bushman” of the Klein Karoo looking at the challenges, opportunities and threats facing us all in this unique and beautiful area into the 21st Century and beyond – long after we are all gone. 


The pace of technological and social change in our society is greater than ever, creating an environment of unprecedented uncertainty that offers a host of new opportunities as well as challenges. Organizations of all kinds need new ways to operate and plan effectively in a world where the future is so rapidly evolving in such unpredictable ways.  Charles M Vest President: MIT - Mass. USA  


The March/April, 2018 edition of the “MIT Technology Review” covers the topic of Artificial Intelligence (AI) and other emerging technologies in detail. These are the issues that will strongly influence the “Modern Bushmen” into the 21st Century and beyond and will determine our long term survival on this planet as we know it. 

click here to visit the MIT Technology Review website


                                               The March/April, 2018 edition of the “MIT Technology Review” covers the topic of Artificial Intelligence (AI) and other emerging technologies in detail.  


Links to the De Rust Heritage Conservation Association  

The De Rust Heritage Conservation Association is an independent body with its own registration number with Heritage Western Cape. In fact the De Rust Heritage Conservation Association was one of the first heritage bodies in the Southern Cape to register officially with Heritage Western Cape on 18 June, 2008 (Ref: HWC/DRCA/10/18). 


De Rust Heritage works closely with Heritage Oudtshoorn Erfenis (HOE) and is a full member in the Joint Permit Committee which is Chaired by Johan Smit from HOE and has members from Heritage Oudtshoorn Erfenis, De Rust Heritage Conservation Association and the Oudtshoorn Municipality. In turn both Heritage Oudtshoorn Erfenis and the De Rust Heritage Conservation Association are registered independently with Heritage Western Cape. In addition, De Rust Heritage are also members of the Simon van der Stel Foundation in the Southern Cape. 


In early 2019 De Rust Heritage in conjunction with the Oudtshoorn Municipality was scheduled to conduct a Heritage Survey/Inventory in the Village in order to establish those properties which possess heritage aspects worthy of preservation.  This process was unfortunately delayed due to Municipal budgetary constraints. Further details will be available shortly. 


De Rust is very much a place to visit. The village was voted the Kwêla/Rapport Western Cape Town of the year in 2011


De Rust - Western Cape Town of the Year 2011De Rust - Western Cape Town of the Year 2011

read more here


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